Excursion to Morion Digital

Технопарк Morion Digital открывает двери! Крупнейший частный технопарк России, ТОП-5 в национальном рейтинге Ассоциации кластеров и технопарков России – сердце инноваций региона.

What will you learn?

How does the technopark work:
secrets of interaction between corporations and startups

Digital technologies clearly:
from video surveillance scenarios
to smart helmets and smart

Startup in its natural habitat:
hi-tech offices, coworking and production sites

Daily life of a startup:
sports center and
climbing wall

Robot Factory:
where you can
make your own clone and
how to get a certificate from the MFC?

Career in Innovation:
technopark and vacancy wall

For the most advanced, we conduct excursions around the Morion Digital technology park. This is the place where a coworking space and a smart home showroom are located. The most important meetings in the Perm IT industry are held here and the Internet of Things is mastered. This is where robots are born, and cameras learn to determine age.

We will show you how a smart home and smart cameras work. You will see production automation technologies and workspaces in which modern IT specialists work. During the tour, we will talk about the main events in the history of the Morion Digital technology park.

An optional item on the program is a visit to the Promobot production facility and even a sports center.

To visit the Promobot company and other residents of the technopark as part of an excursion, contact Alexandra Popova, event organization specialist PopovaAV@morion.digital.